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Terms of Service

Last update 1 week ago

Terms of Service for Weenja Freelance Platform

The following terms of service (these "Terms of Service") govern your access to and use of the Weenja Freelance Platform website and mobile application, including any content, functionality, and services offered on or through or the Weenja mobile application (the "Site") by Weenja Technologies Ltd., located at Sserwanga Musoke Rd, Kira-Kito, Kira Municipality, Uganda. Weenja Technologies Ltd. is collectively referred to as "Weenja," "we," or "us," and "you" or "user" means you as a user of the Site.

Please read the Terms of Service carefully before you start to use the Site. By using the Site, opening an account, or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms of Service when this option is made available to you, you accept and agree, on behalf of yourself or on behalf of your employer or any other entity (if applicable), to be bound and abide by these Terms of Service, Weenja Payment Terms, found here (“Payment Terms”), Weenja’s Community Standards, found here, and any additional standards, conditions, policies, guidelines, and in-product disclosures (collectively, the “Terms”), which are incorporated herein by reference. You further acknowledge that you have read and understood our Privacy Policy, found here. If you do not want to agree to these Terms or the Privacy Policy, you must not access or use the Site. For more detailed policies surrounding the activity and usage on the Site, please access the designated articles herein.

Our Customer Support team is available if you have any questions regarding the Site or Terms. Contacting our Customer Support team can be done by submitting a request here. For additional information on our designated contact points, see here.

1. Representations and Warranties

This Site is offered and available to users who are at least 18 years of age and of legal age to form a binding contract. If you are under 18 and at least 13 years of age, you are only permitted to use the Site through an account owned by a parent or legal guardian with their appropriate permission. If you are under 13, you are not permitted to use the Site or the Weenja services.

The Site is available only to users who are not subject to any economic sanctions or trade restrictions imposed by Uganda, the United States, European Union, or any other applicable jurisdiction.

By using the Site, you represent and warrant that you meet all of the foregoing eligibility requirements. If you do not meet all of these requirements, you must not access or use the Site.

2. Key Terms

  • Buyers are users who purchase services on Weenja.
  • Custom Offers are exclusive proposals that a Seller can create in response to specific requirements of a Buyer.
  • Gigg Extras are additional services offered on top of the Seller’s Gigg for an additional price defined by the Seller.
  • Gigg Packages allow Sellers to offer services in different formats and prices. Packages can include upgrades, which let Sellers price their service for a basic price of over UGX 20,000.
  • Gigg Page is where the Seller can describe their Gigg and the Gigg’s terms, and the Buyer can purchase the Gigg and create an Order.
  • Gigg / Giggs / Services are services offered on Weenja.
  • Hourly Contract means an Order based on an hourly Custom Offer with an Hourly Rate.
  • Hourly Limit / Weekly Hourly Limit means the limit on the working hours per week defined in an Hourly Contract.
  • Hourly Rate means the rate per hour agreed between Seller and Buyer for an Hourly Contract.
  • Hourly Weekly Report / Weekly Report means the working hours reported by Seller on a weekly basis in connection with an Hourly Contract.
  • Logo Design is an original design for a logo uploaded by a Seller through the Weenja Logo Maker.
  • Logo Maker is the automated Logo Design tool offered by Weenja to users as further explained in these Terms of Service.
  • Order Page is where Buyers and Sellers communicate with each other in connection with an ordered Service.
  • Orders are the formal agreements between a Buyer and Seller.
  • Professions is where eligible Sellers can showcase the Services they offer on Weenja based on specific skills.
  • Sellers or Freelancers are users who offer and provide Services on Weenja.
  • Seller Page is where Sellers can include all of their information, present a portfolio of other works, showcase their Professions, and anything that could be helpful to Buyers.

3. Overview (Main terms, in a nutshell)

Only registered users may buy and sell on Weenja. In registering for an account, you agree to provide us with accurate, complete, and updated information regarding your business or personal details and update such details as required, without undue delay. In addition, you must not create an account for fraudulent or misleading purposes. You are solely responsible for any activity on your account and for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your password. We are not liable for any acts or omissions by you in connection with your account.

Sellers determine their pricing at their sole discretion. Services on Weenja may be offered at a base starting price of UGX 5,000 and a minimum Hourly Rate of UGX 5,000. Weenja reserves the right to set a higher base starting price in certain categories.

Buyers pay Weenja in advance to create an Order, as further detailed on the Payment Terms. For Hourly Contracts, Weenja Pro Clients pay once a week, every Monday, for the hours detailed in the Hourly Weekly Report (for more information, see the Hourly Contract section on the Payment Terms).

For fees and payments, please read the Payment Terms.

Sellers must fulfil their Orders and may not cancel Orders on a regular basis or without cause. Cancelling Orders will affect Sellers’ reputation and level.

Sellers gain account levels based on their performance metrics. You can read more about it in the Levels section below.

Users may not offer or accept payments using any method other than placing an Order through Weenja.

When purchasing on Weenja, Buyers are granted all rights for the delivered work unless otherwise specified by the Seller on their Gigg page or unless agreed otherwise between Seller and Buyer. Note: some Giggs charge additional payments (through Gigg Extras) for a Commercial Use License. See our “Ownership” and “Commercial Use License” sections below for more information.

Weenja retains the right to use all delivered work that the user has agreed to include and is published as part of a review, and Logo Designs for Weenja marketing and promotion purposes.

We care about your privacy. You can read our Privacy Policy here.

Weenja offers its users the Logo Maker, which allows certain Sellers to offer various original logo designs for Buyers to adjust and customize per their specific needs, using special automated design tools. Through the Logo Maker, Buyers purchase full commercial use rights to the Logo Design embedded with their brand name.

If you are buying on Weenja Pro (“Pro Client”), an end-to-end solution for businesses with curated freelance talent, please refer to Weenja Pro Terms of Service available here.

4. Sellers on Weenja Freelancer Platform

4.1 Basics

As a Seller on Weenja, you create Giggs to offer your services to Buyers. Beyond standard Giggs, you can also offer Custom Offers tailored to individual Buyers' needs. Successful sales earn you 80% of the purchase amount, and for Hourly Contracts, you receive 80% of the Hourly Rate based on your completed Weekly Report.

Weenja credits your account once an Order or an Hourly Contract Report is completed. Detailed payment, fees, and tax information is available in our Payment Terms.

Promoting your Giggs, Seller Page, or Weenja content via Google Ads is not permitted.

Your rating as a Seller is based on Buyer reviews, influencing your ability to level up. Low ratings may result in account suspension.

Sellers should ensure they have adequate general liability insurance to cover risks associated with their services.

If you identify as a Business Seller, certain additional terms apply. You may be required to submit identification and registration documents, especially if you're selling products or services that must comply with specific regulations.

4.2 Giggs

Sellers can post a limited number of active Giggs, depending on their level. Giggs are User Generated Content and must adhere to Weenja’s Terms. Violations, such as offering illegal services, copyright infringement, or reselling regulated goods, can lead to Gigg removal or account suspension.

Giggs must include an appropriate image, and the quality of service delivered should match what’s portrayed. Recurring low-quality deliveries can lead to loss of Seller status.

Giggs may also include a video, but it must be relevant and in line with Weenja’s policies. Sellers may offer Gigg Packages with different price points.

4.3 Gigg Extras

Gigg Extras are additional services that can be added to a Gigg for an extra fee. These must be related to the base service and can extend the Order’s delivery time if necessary. Violations in Gigg Extras can lead to removal, similar to base Giggs.

4.4 Levels

Weenja’s level system rewards Sellers based on their performance. Higher levels unlock additional benefits and tools. Top-level Sellers (TRS) are evaluated manually, and certain categories require mandatory tests for eligibility.

Violating Weenja’s Terms may halt your progress in the levelling system or exclude you from certain benefits.

4.5 Pro Freelancers

Pro Freelancers on Weenja are vetted professionals who consistently deliver high-quality services. Your Pro status is regularly evaluated, and any significant drop in quality or violations can lead to loss of Pro status.

Pro Freelancers are also featured in Weenja Business Solutions, and their profiles may be included in the Weenja Enterprise catalog, with an opt-out option available.

4.6 Seller Features

  • Custom Offer: Sellers can create Custom Offers for Buyers, defining the service, price, and delivery time. These must adhere to Weenja’s Terms.
  • Hourly Contract: Eligible Sellers can offer Hourly Contracts to Pro Clients, detailing the hourly rate and expected working hours. Time reporting must be accurate, and any hours not reported by the deadline will not be paid.
  • Project Milestones: For Orders over $100, you can break down projects into milestones. Each milestone is paid and delivered separately.
  • Gigg Subscription: Offer a recurring service with Gigg Subscriptions. Buyers can cancel future Orders before payment is made.
  • Stock Media: Access licensed images, music, and footage clips for eligible Giggs. Revenue from Stock Media is shared, and usage is governed by special license terms.

4.7. Shipping and Physical Deliverables on Weenja

Giggs on Weenja that include a shipping cost must involve physical items that need to be delivered to the Buyer. The shipping cost added to the Gigg only covers the Seller's expenses for sending these items to the Buyer.

Important: Buyers who purchase Giggs requiring physical delivery will be prompted to provide a shipping address during the order process.

Sellers are responsible for arranging all aspects of shipping once they receive the Buyer's address. Weenja does not handle or guarantee shipping, tracking, or the condition of items upon delivery. Sellers should ensure that items are securely shipped and in good condition, as Weenja is not liable for any damages or issues arising from shipping.

To prevent disputes related to shipping, Sellers are encouraged to enter a tracking number on the Order Page when delivering physical items, if available.

5. Buyers on Weenja

5.1 Basics

Buyers on Weenja should not offer payments to Sellers using methods outside of the Weenja platform. All transactions must be processed through the Weenja platform to ensure security and transparency.

Weenja retains the right to use any delivered work for marketing and promotional purposes if it is published as part of a review. This includes using Logo Designs submitted on Weenja.

Buyers can request a Custom Offer from Sellers to meet specific requirements. All services requested on Weenja must comply with the platform’s guidelines for approved services. Users should use the platform's features solely for seeking services.

When placing an order, Buyers must only use funds obtained from legal and lawful activities.

5.2 Purchasing

Refer to the Weenja Payment Terms for details on how to make payments and information on applicable fees and taxes.

Buyers should never offer Sellers alternative payment methods outside the Weenja platform. If a Seller requests this, it should be reported immediately to Customer Support.

5.3 Recommendation System

Weenja personalizes content recommendations to enhance user experience. To learn more about how recommendations work on Weenja, users can refer to the platform’s recommendation system guidelines.

6. Orders on Weenja

6.1 Basics

Once a payment is confirmed, an order is created. For Hourly Contracts, the order is created once the Order Initiation Fee is paid.

An order is marked as "Complete" after it is marked as "Delivered" and accepted by the Buyer. If no request for modification is made within 3 days, the order is automatically marked as "Complete." Buyers may extend this period by up to 5 additional days.

For Hourly Contracts, a Weekly Report will be automatically marked as complete if not disputed within 72 hours after the client's payment method is charged.

Orders through specific tools like the Logo Maker are completed upon payment by the Buyer.

In cases where an order involves milestones, each milestone is marked as "Complete" after delivery and acceptance by the Buyer. If a milestone is not accepted or a modification is not requested within 8 days of delivery, it is automatically marked as "Complete," and no further milestones will proceed unless paid for by the Buyer. Buyers may choose to continue with the order by paying for the next milestone or stop the order. Failure to pay within 10 days of the previous milestone's acceptance results in the cancellation of subsequent milestones.

Buyers may subscribe to a Gigg Subscription if offered by a Seller. This means a new order for the same Gigg will be automatically created on a recurring basis, as agreed. Buyers authorize Weenja to charge them automatically for each order under the subscription from their Weenja Balance or saved payment method. If no balance or payment method is available, Buyers will need to approve payment before the next order is processed. Orders under the subscription will be canceled if payment is not made. Future orders can be canceled by the Buyer before payment. Sellers can also cancel future orders under the subscription 10 days before the next order is due.

Some Giggs that offer local services may require Buyers and Sellers to meet in person. Weenja does not guarantee the behavior, conduct, or safety of either party during such meetings. Buyers and Sellers assume all risks associated with local services, including any work performed on the Buyer's premises. Buyers are encouraged to maintain proper insurance coverage for any liability as the premises owner. Weenja’s Terms still apply to Orders performed outside of the marketplace.

6.2 Handling Orders

When an order is placed, the Seller is notified by email and via the Weenja platform.

Sellers must meet the delivery time they specify when creating their Giggs or Custom Offers. Failing to do so may allow the Buyer to cancel the order and could negatively affect the Seller's rating.

Sellers must provide completed files or proof of work when marking the order as "Delivered."

The "Deliver Work" button must not be misused to bypass Order guidelines. Abusing this feature by marking an order as "Delivered" without fulfilling the order could result in order cancellation, a warning, or rating penalties.

Users should ensure all transferred files are free of viruses or malware. Weenja is not responsible for any damages resulting from the use of files or content transferred via the platform.

Buyers can use the "Request Revisions" feature on the Order Page if the delivered materials do not match the Seller's description on their Gigg Page or the Buyer’s initial requirements.

7. User Conduct and Protection

Weenja is committed to creating a safe and professional environment where Ugandans can connect, collaborate, and thrive. The following guidelines outline the expected conduct for all users on the platform.

7.1 Basics

·         Communication: Any exchange of personal contact details (e.g., phone numbers, email addresses) outside of Weenja’s messaging system is not allowed to prevent misuse and maintain transparency.

·         Service Guarantee: While Weenja offers tools for dispute resolution, it does not guarantee the level of service provided by Sellers to Buyers. Users should keep all communications and file exchanges on the platform to ensure protection under our terms.

·         Respectful Interactions: All users must maintain a respectful and professional tone in their communications. Rude, abusive, or threatening behavior will result in account warnings or potential suspension.

·         No Discrimination: Discrimination based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristic will not be tolerated and may lead to account suspension.

·         Platform Integrity: Users must not attempt to engage in transactions outside of Weenja. Soliciting or accepting payments or contracts outside the platform violates our terms.

7.2 Orders

·         Order Manipulation: Any attempt to manipulate reviews or orders, including making purchases to defame a competitor, will result in penalties, including review removal and potential account suspension.

·         Spam Prevention: Users should not engage in spamming or unsolicited communication with other users, especially for the purpose of altering reviews or canceling orders.

7.3 Giggs & Seller Page

·         Original Content: Sellers must ensure that the content on their Gigg Pages is original and does not infringe on any third-party rights. If using licensed materials, Sellers must have valid licenses and proper permissions.

·         Reporting Violations: Users can report Giggs that violate Weenja’s terms, particularly those that mimic other services. All reports will be reviewed by our Trust & Safety team.

7.4 Reporting Violations

·         How to Report: If you encounter any content that violates our community standards, report it through the appropriate channels on the platform. Weenja will review all cases with confidentiality and respect for privacy.

·         Misuse of Reporting: Misuse of the reporting system, including false reports, may lead to account restrictions or suspension.

7.5 Violations

·         Account Warnings: Users who violate Weenja’s terms may receive warnings, which could impact their account’s standing, including participation in the leveling system or visibility of their Giggs.

·         Serious Violations: For serious violations, including fraud or illegal activities, Weenja reserves the right to permanently disable accounts and take legal action if necessary.

7.6 Disputes and Cancellations

  • Conflict Resolution: Buyers and Sellers are encouraged to resolve disputes amicably using Weenja’s Resolution Center. If a resolution cannot be reached, users can contact our support team for further assistance.

7.7 Content Moderation, Notices, and Appeals

·         Content Checks: Weenja may conduct content checks to ensure compliance with our terms. If action is taken against your account, you have the right to appeal the decision within six months.

·         Appeal Process: Appeals will be handled fairly and objectively. Weenja is committed to reversing decisions if errors are identified.

7.8 Proprietary Restrictions

·         Intellectual Property: The design, content, and overall experience of Weenja are protected by copyright and trademark laws. Users are prohibited from copying, modifying, or reverse-engineering any part of the site.

·         Site Usage: Users agree to use Weenja in accordance with the terms and not engage in any actions that would harm the site or its community.

7.9 Feedback Rights

  • Feedback Ownership: Any suggestions or feedback provided to Weenja becomes the exclusive property of Weenja, and we reserve the right to implement or ignore such feedback as deemed appropriate.

7.10 Confidentiality

Sellers should recognize that there might be a need for Buyers to disclose certain confidential information to be used by Sellers for the purpose of delivering the Services, and to protect such confidential information from unauthorized use and disclosure. Therefore, Sellers agree to treat any information received from Buyers as highly sensitive, top secret and classified material. Without derogating from the generality of the above, Sellers specifically agree to (i) maintain all such information in strict confidence; (ii) not disclose the information to any third parties; (iii) not use the information for any purpose except for delivering the Services; and (vi) not to copy or reproduce any of the information without the Buyer’s permission.

8. User Generated Content

User Generated Content ("UGC") on Weenja refers to content uploaded by users (Buyers and Sellers) rather than by the platform itself. While Weenja does not proactively monitor UGC for appropriateness, copyright, trademark, or other violations, users uploading such content bear full responsibility for its legality and any consequences arising from its use, disclosure, storage, or transmission. By uploading content to Weenja, you confirm that you have all necessary rights and permissions to do so and that your content does not infringe on any third-party rights, including intellectual property, privacy, or data protection. Violations may result in the removal or disabling of the content.

Weenja disclaims responsibility for the content, quality, or level of service provided by Sellers, regardless of their status (e.g., Top Rated, Choice Sellers). Users are encouraged to utilize the rating system and exercise common sense when selecting services. Sellers must ensure they have all necessary permissions and rights to offer their services on Weenja and must comply with all relevant laws and platform terms when advertising their services.

For issues related to intellectual property rights or reporting copyright or trademark infringement, please refer to Weenja's Intellectual Property Claims Policy. Weenja may terminate the accounts of repeat infringers.

9. Ownership

When purchasing a service on Weenja, the Buyer, upon full payment and delivery of the work, is granted all intellectual property rights in the delivered work unless otherwise specified on the Seller's Gigg page or in a Custom Offer. This includes copyright, and the Seller waives any moral rights to the extent permitted by law. The Seller transfers all rights to the Buyer, making the delivered work the Buyer's exclusive property.

For custom-created works, the Buyer will own all rights necessary for personal use. However, for commercial purposes, the Buyer may need to purchase a Commercial Use License, which grants broader rights for business use. Voice Over services on Weenja are subject to specific licensing terms, with additional rights available for commercial or broadcast use through Gigg Extras.

Sellers agree that unless otherwise explicitly stated, any content they upload to Weenja (e.g., Gigg descriptions, photos, videos) may be used by Weenja for marketing and operational purposes without compensation.

9.1 Voice Over Commercial Buy-Out

Purchasing a Voice Over service on Weenja grants the Buyer a non-commercial, perpetual, exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide license to use the Voice Over, excluding any commercial uses. For commercial or broadcast purposes, Buyers must purchase the appropriate rights through Gigg Extras, which grant the necessary permissions for business use or broadcasting on various platforms.

9.2 Commercial Use License

By purchasing a "Commercial Use License" on Weenja, the Buyer is granted a perpetual, exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide license to use the delivered work for permitted commercial purposes, such as advertising, promotion, and integration into products. The Seller retains ownership rights, and the License excludes any illegal or defamatory purposes. This License is subject to Weenja’s terms, and no warranties are provided regarding fitness for a particular purpose.

9.3 Stock Media

For services that include Stock Media, the Stock Media license terms apply. Buyers receive a license to use the delivered work containing Stock Media according to these terms, which define the permissible uses and restrictions.

10. Disclaimer of Warranties

Use of the Weenja platform, its content, and any services or items obtained through the platform is at your own risk. Weenja provides the platform and services on an "as is" and "as available" basis, without any warranties, either express or implied, except where required by law. Weenja and its affiliates do not warrant the completeness, security, reliability, quality, accuracy, or availability of the platform. The foregoing does not affect any warranties that cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.

11. Limitation on Liability

Provided Weenja has acted with reasonable professional diligence, Weenja Technologies, its affiliates, licensors, service providers, employees, agents, officers, or directors shall not be liable for damages of any kind under any legal theory. This includes but is not limited to any loss, personal injury, emotional distress, or data loss arising from your use or inability to use the site, linked websites, or services obtained through the site. This limitation of liability applies to direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, regardless of whether the damages were foreseeable or not.

This limitation does not affect any liability that cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.

The term "Affiliate" refers to any entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Weenja, where control is defined as having more than fifty percent (50%) voting stock or other ownership interest, or the majority of voting rights.

12. Deactivate and Disable Account

Weenja Technologies reserves the right to put any account on hold or permanently disable accounts for breaches of the Terms, including poor service quality, illegal or inappropriate use of the platform, or other violations. If your account is disabled, you will no longer be able to use the platform, and related content may be removed. Users can refer to the Terms or contact Customer Support to understand the specifics of their account status and the violation.

Users may deactivate their accounts at any time via their account settings. However, users who deactivate their accounts are still responsible for any outstanding payments. Provisions of the Terms that pertain to transactions between Sellers and Buyers will remain in effect even after account deactivation or suspension.

13. Security Features

Weenja provides optional security features to protect user accounts from unauthorized use. Users must verify their account ownership through Customer Support by providing materials that prove ownership.

14. General Terms

14.1 Changes to these Terms

Weenja may update these Terms occasionally. When updates are made, a new copy of the Terms will be made available on the relevant page. Continued use of Weenja after changes to the Terms indicates acceptance of the updated Terms. If you do not agree with the changes, you must deactivate your account.

Updates to the Terms may occur due to changes in site policies, services, or features, as well as to adapt to new technologies, laws, regulatory requirements, security, and fraud prevention.

14.2 Indemnification

To the fullest extent allowed by law, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Weenja Technologies harmless, including its officers, directors, employees, affiliates, and agents, from any claims, damages, losses, liabilities, or expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising from your violation of the Terms, any third-party rights, or claims related to your use of the platform. Weenja reserves the right to handle its legal defense as it sees fit, and you agree to cooperate with Weenja in these matters.

14.3 Severability

If any part of these Terms is found to be unenforceable, that part will be limited to the minimum extent necessary, so the rest of the Terms remain in full force. Failure to enforce any part of the Terms by Weenja is not a waiver of its right to enforce that or any other part later.

14.4 Entire Agreement

These Terms constitute the entire agreement regarding the use of the Weenja platform, superseding any prior agreements on the subject matter.

14.5 Interpretation

Any headings or section titles in the Terms are for convenience and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of the provisions. The original language of the Terms is English. In the event of any conflict between the English version and a translation, the English version prevails.